Cabinet |
Name |
Status |
Year |
Manufacturer |
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus alternate (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
ct2k3sa |
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
ct2k3sp |
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
cthd2003 |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 040216, banking address hack) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_6a |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 040216, backdoor) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_6b |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 040216, LotoRossy+) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_6c |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 040216, VIDEO GAME-1 FR01) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_6d |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, backdoor) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7a |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, VIDEO GAME-1 FR01) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7b |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, payout percentage 40) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7c |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, payout percentage 60) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7d |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, payout percentage 70) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7e |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, changed version text) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7f |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, LOTO PROGRAM V-FC2) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7g |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 050118, LOTOS FR01) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_7h |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 060111, LOTO COCKTAIL V01-0001) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_8a |
Fruit Cocktail (bootleg, 060111, LOTTOGAME (I)) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
fcockt_8b |
The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 1) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
kf2k3bl |
The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 2) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
kf2k3bla |
The King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
kf2k3pl |
The King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
kf2k3upl |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 031111, backdoor) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_4a |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040216, backdoor) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_5a |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, backdoor) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_6a |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, VIDEO GAME-1 PB01) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_6b |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, changed version text) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_6c |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, LOTTOGAME (I)) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_6d |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, LOTO PROGRAM V-LH2) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_6e |
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, LOTOS PB01) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
lhaunt_6f |
Metal Slug 5 Plus (bootleg) |
good |
2003 |
bootleg |
ms5plus |