![David Crane](../../snapsmall/MS_218.html) | David Crane's Amazing Tennis (Nintendo Super System) | 1992 | Absolute Entertainment Inc. | nss_aten | Sports / Tennis | 1.50 |
![Forty-Love](../../snapsmall/MS_186.html) | Forty-Love | 1984 | Taito Corporation | 40love | Sports / Tennis | 0.00 |
![Goalie Ghost](../../snapsmall/MS_217.html) | Goalie Ghost | 1984 | Bally/Sente | gghost | Sports / Tennis | 7.33 |
![Hot Shots Tennis (V1.1)](../../snapsmall/MS_216.html) | Hot Shots Tennis (V1.1) | 1990 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | hstennis | Sports / Tennis | 4.29 |
![Konami](../../snapsmall/MS_200.html) | Konami's Ping-Pong | 1985 | Konami | pingpong | Sports / Tennis | 8.51 |
![Off the Wall (Sente)](../../snapsmall/MS_196.jpg) | Off the Wall (Sente) | 1984 | Bally/Sente | otwalls | Sports / Tennis | 6.00 |
![Passing Shot (2 Players) (bootleg)](../../snapsmall/MS_179.html) | Passing Shot (2 Players) (bootleg) (clone of: passsht) | 1988 | bootleg | passshtb | Sports / Tennis | 0.00 |
![Passing Shot (4 Players) (bootleg)](../../snapsmall/MS_179.html) | Passing Shot (4 Players) (bootleg) (clone of: passsht) | 1988 | bootleg | passht4b | Sports / Tennis | 0.00 |
![Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0070)](../../snapsmall/MS_179.html) | Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0070) (clone of: passsht) | 1988 | Sega | passshtj | Sports / Tennis | 0.00 |
![Passing Shot (World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0080)](../../snapsmall/MS_179.html) | Passing Shot (World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0080) | 1988 | Sega | passsht | Sports / Tennis | 7.25 |
| Ping-Pong King | 1985 | Taito America Corporation | ppking | Sports / Tennis | 5.60 |
![Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette)](../../snapsmall/MS_189.html) | Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette) | 1982 | Data East Corporation | cptennis | Sports / Tennis | 4.67 |
![Speed Spin](../../snapsmall/MS_188.html) | Speed Spin | 1994 | TCH | speedspn | Sports / Tennis | 6.06 |
![Super Doubles Tennis](../../snapsmall/MS_187.html) | Super Doubles Tennis | 1983 | Data East Corporation | sdtennis | Sports / Tennis | 5.00 |
![Super Slam (set 1)](../../snapsmall/MS_185.html) | Super Slam (set 1) | 1993 | Playmark | sslam | Sports / Tennis | 7.73 |
![Super Slam (set 2)](../../snapsmall/MS_185.html) | Super Slam (set 2) (clone of: sslam) | 1993 | Playmark | sslama | Sports / Tennis | 0.00 |
![Super Tennis (Nintendo Super System)](../../snapsmall/MS_183.html) | Super Tennis (Nintendo Super System) | 1991 | Nintendo | nss_sten | Sports / Tennis | 0.00 |
![Super World Court (World)](../../snapsmall/MS_184.html) | Super World Court (World) | 1992 | Namco | swcourt | Sports / Tennis | 8.47 |
![Tennis (PlayChoice-10)](../../snapsmall/MS_180.html) | Tennis (PlayChoice-10) | 1983 | Nintendo | pc_tenis | Sports / Tennis | 6.25 |
![Ultimate Tennis](../../snapsmall/MS_181.html) | Ultimate Tennis | 1993 | Art & Magic | ultennis | Sports / Tennis | 4.38 |