![Ultimate Tennis](../snapsmall/MS_181.html) | Ultimate Tennis | 1993 | Art & Magic | ultennis | Sports / Tennis | 4.60 |
![Ultimate Tennis (v 1.4, Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_181.html) | Ultimate Tennis (v 1.4, Japan) (clone of: ultennis) | 1993 | Art & Magic (Banpresto license) | ultennisj | | 0.00 |
![Ultra Maru-hi Mahjong (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_2318.html) | Ultra Maru-hi Mahjong (Japan) | 1993 | Apple | ultramhm | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 0.00 |
![Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_2314.html) | Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan) | 1993 | Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions | utoukond | Fighter / 2.5D | 6.17 |
![Under Fire (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_2306.html) | Under Fire (Japan) (clone of: undrfire) | 1993 | Taito Corporation | undrfirej | | 0.00 |
![Under Fire (US)](../snapsmall/MS_2306.html) | Under Fire (US) (clone of: undrfire) | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | undrfireu | | 0.00 |
![Under Fire (World)](../snapsmall/MS_2306.html) | Under Fire (World) | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | undrfire | Shooter / Gun | 0.00 |
![V-Five (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_4416.jpg) | V-Five (Japan) (clone of: grindstm) | 1993 | Toaplan | vfive | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 8.00 |
![Violent Storm (ver AAB)](../snapsmall/MS_2248.html) | Violent Storm (ver AAB) (clone of: viostorm) | 1993 | Konami | viostormab | | 0.00 |
![Violent Storm (ver AAC)](../snapsmall/MS_2248.html) | Violent Storm (ver AAC) (clone of: viostorm) | 1993 | Konami | viostorma | | 0.00 |
![Violent Storm (ver EAB)](../snapsmall/MS_2248.html) | Violent Storm (ver EAB) | 1993 | Konami | viostorm | Fighter / 2.5D | 9.13 |
![Violent Storm (ver JAC)](../snapsmall/MS_2248.html) | Violent Storm (ver JAC) (clone of: viostorm) | 1993 | Konami | viostormj | | 0.00 |
![Violent Storm (ver UAB)](../snapsmall/MS_2248.html) | Violent Storm (ver UAB) (clone of: viostorm) | 1993 | Konami | viostormub | | 0.00 |
![Violent Storm (ver UAC)](../snapsmall/MS_2248.html) | Violent Storm (ver UAC) (clone of: viostorm) | 1993 | Konami | viostormu | | 0.00 |
| Virtua Fighter | 1993 | Sega | vf | Fighter / Versus | 8.64 |
![Virtua Formula](../snapsmall/MS_4386.html) | Virtua Formula (clone of: vr) | 1993 | Sega | vformula | Unplayable | 0.00 |
| Virtual Combat | 1993 | VR8 Inc. | vcombat | | 0.00 |
| Waiwai Animal Land Jr. (Japan) (clone of: animaljr) | 1993 | Nakanihon / East Technology (Taito license) | animaljrj | | 0.00 |
![War of Aero - Project MEIOU](../snapsmall/MS_1606.html) | War of Aero - Project MEIOU | 1993 | Yang Cheng | wrofaero | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 0.00 |
| White Water (L-3) (clone of: ww_l5) | 1993 | Williams | ww_l3 | | 0.00 |